
Showing posts from March, 2015
PHARMACOGNOSY   OF ARJUNA *Dr Pankaj Mishra Lecturer * *Dr Manoj Singh Reader *** Dr Manjula Mishra Lecturer Govt. Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Jablpur Organoleptic Study Arjuna :             Organoleptic characters of stem bark and powder of Terminalia arjuna are tabuleted below. Sr. Characters Stem bark of Terminalia arjuna Powder of Terminalia arjuna 1. Taste Kashaya Kashaya 2. Colour Pinkish white Pinkish white 3. Odour Nothing special (Nirgandh) Nothingspecial (Nirgandh) 4. Touch Rough (Khara) Rough (Khara) 2. MACROSCOPIC STUDY ( Terminalia arjuna ) :   Family – Combretaceae Trees, or shrubs often climbers, leaves alternate subopposite or opposite, some times ternate, Petioled, entire, simple (in Illigera 3 foliolate), stipules O. Flowers bracteola